Welcome to Ken Reilly On Line
Ken Reilly 1935 – 20??
Ken Reilly was born in Hove in 1935
He studied at the Southampton School of Art and the Central School of Arts and Crafts London.
In 1956 he trained as a “Photo Litho Retoucher” for Sir Joseph Causton and Sons Eastleigh in Hampshire.
Then in 1958 became a “Commercial Artist” for the same company in their London studio in Fleet Street.
In 1961 he became the Senior Artist in Grafton Arts, a design Company in Fetter Lane, London.
In 1965 he formed his own design group working from a studio in Coptic Street, near the British Museum.
1n 1969 he moved his company to a larger studio at 239-241 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2
1961 at Grafton Arts
Ken Reilly Design Associates
In 1973 he moved his studio to 15 Saville Row, Mayfair, London W1 with a staff of 7 artists servicing:
Beecham Foods, United Biscuits, KP Foods, Securicor, Scientific Publicity, W.H Allen, Hamish Hamilton, Heineman, Secker and Warburg and Rupert Hart Davis.
In 1980 he opened an Art Gallery dealing in early British watercolours backed by a studio in East Molesy, Across the Bridge from Hampton Court Palace, as well as maintaining a studio in his own home at 58 Woodstock Road London W4 servicing:
Spillers, New English Teas, Quaker, Courtalds, Gordon Spice, IMP, Polyliner, Reeves, Carnation Foods and Wimpy.
In 1986 he bought a new purpose built studio unit in Brackenbury Road, Shepherds Bush, trading as
Ken Reilly Ltd and Precision Presentation (an artwork Company) servicing:
Marks and Spencer, Woolworths, Hosta Meltis, Ahmad Teas, Tiffany (USA), Fortnum and Mason, Godiva Chocolatiers (USA), L’Aquilla, Ovenpride, Astor Chocolates (USA), Elida Faberge, Bakers Pride, Crown Blue Lines, Spectrum and Hogg Robinson.
Self portrait 1986
In 1995 he acquired a large purpose built Studio in Warple Way, Acton W3 working in conjunction with his home studio at 1 Newton Grove, Bedford Park, W4 servicing:
Cadbury, Marks and Spencer, Choithrams, British American Drama Academy, Bevelynn, British Home Stores, Dabur, Ann’s House of Nuts (USA), Your Body, Pride Oils and Marigold Health Foods.
In 1997 he moved his company to a studio building at the corner of Whellock Road W4 a short walk away from his new home studio at 22 Marlborough Crescent London W4
Then in 2009 moved his residence to 11 Chiswick Staithe, Hartington Road, London W43TP
In all of these companies Ken did virtually all of the illustrative content required for the publishing, packaging and corporate work of his company as well as fulfilling many commissions for fine art images in water colour, oil and digital.
He continues to do so
Still life painting – Ken Reilly - Oil on wood panel
Commisioned by British Home Stores as a basis for their Christmas range of packaging
Used for three consecutive years across a range of forty three products.
The strongest selling range that they had ever produced to date.
A cross section of the range
Company launch and all product design for the first few years for
New English Teas

Pride Oils New Logo, corporate identity, and a complete new range of food products
In preparation for their sale to Associated British Foods
for Sultan Asaria, the joint owner
Marigold Health Foods
Logo, house style, corporate identity and full range of packaging designs for the core products of a range of over 2000 health food products
For Patrick Tobin – Owner of the company
1986 Oil palnting - The Taylors Art commission from Dougie Hayward the Mount Street Taylor