Travellers Views
in association with
The Corfu Heritage Foundation

A visual feast for your home computer or laptop
with 120 images of historic paintings and wonderful places to see on this magical island
with comment and information.
This is a visual treat which should whet the appetite for a first or return visit.
For those who have been here, we hope you find this a tangible revival of happy memories, and a point of reference to tempt you back.
Enjoy the journey
A few sample pages

This presentation is a veritable history of Corfu from Mythology through the 400 years of Venetian Rule, then the British Protectorate. With early decorative maps and prints and important paintings by renowned Corfiot and European artists scattered among informative histories and fine photography of important landmarks on this beautiful island.
Know CORFU before you go or cherish it's memory
Travellers Views
in association with
The Corfu Heritage Foundation
Although you can scroll through them with enjoyment on your mobile phone, these 120 fine images are designed to be viewed on a medium to large screen for real enjoyment
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